Viewpoint Alberta
With Viewpoint Alberta, we’re surveying thousands of westerners every year to take the political pulse of the region.
Read about what we’ve found, here:
“Self-censorship may be stalling efforts to take action on climate change, public service investment, and a multi-pronged approach to addressing the drug poisoning crisis.” Jared Wesley
“Unless the policy environment shifts dramatically, the continued unpopularity of the Alberta Pension Plan would almost certainly result in a ‘no’ vote in a province-wide referendum.” Jared Wesley
“This suggests that these issues are far from resolved, and that for groups looking to make headway on trans rights in Alberta, persuasion is not only possible – but essential.” Feo Snagovsky
The 2023 Alberta Provincial Election: A Post-Mortem
In a province used to electoral landslides, Alberta’s most recent election was an anomaly.
Political Polarization in Alberta
Albertans are not as divided as many people assume.
Economic Insecurity in Alberta over the Course of the Pandemic
Three-years into the pandemic and it’s clear that the pandemic has also had larger effects on many people’s finances and economic situations.
A COVID-19 Retrospective for Alberta
This brief seeks to understand what COVID-19 has meant for the finances and health of Albertans, three years into the global pandemic
Support for Pierre Poilievre and Freedom Convoy Sympathy in Alberta
This brief unpacks the relationship between support for Mr. Poilievre’s leadership and sympathy for the so-called “Freedom” movement.
Albertans’ Support for the Freedom Convoy
This research brief looks at Albertans’ support for the Freedom Convoy’s goals, the methods they used to bring them about, as well as how many Albertans themselves became involved or took action.
Albertan Orientations Toward Confederation
This research brief looks at support for Alberta separation, and for increased autonomy within Confederation, analyzing data from the Spring 2022 Alberta Viewpoint Study.
The Evolution of Albertans' Attitudes about COVID-19 Restrictions
This brief examines the evolution of Albertans’ assessments of the province’s COVID response over the three years of the pandemic.
Albertans' Views on Local Democracy
This research brief uses data from the Viewpoint Alberta survey conducted in October 2021, in partnership with Alberta Municipalities to investigate how respondents feel about elections being locally focused, inclusive, fair, nonpartisan, and respectful.
Albertans’ Views about Money in Politics
Money is essential to electoral democracy. Political parties and candidates need to have access to resources so that they can communicate with potential voters. But the ways that they raise that money, and how much they can spend, are important issues.
COVID-19, Economic Insecurity, and Marginalized Groups in Alberta
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are diffuse. Many divisions across social, economic, and health outcomes have also been present for marginalized.
Albertans Want and Expect Kenney to Lose Leadership Review
Our Viewpoint Alberta survey was in the field during the final month of the leadership review process. The results reveal that a majority of Albertans think UCP members should oust Kenney from the leadership.
Albertans & COVID-19 Vaccinations
This research brief examines the progress made toward vaccinating Albertans against COVID-19 by the fall of 2021.
Albertans & Equalization: Divided and Misguided?
How do Albertans feel about the referendum vote and just how much do they understand about equalization? Our Viewpoint Alberta team was in the field immediately following the 2021 federal election.
Current Saskatchewan Public Opinion on Small Modular Nuclear Reactors
Drawing upon data from two large-N surveys of Saskatchewan’s general populace, the October 2020 C-Dem Saskatchewan Election Study and the March 2021 Viewpoint Saskatchewan survey, we demonstrate that nuclear power generation in the form of SMRs enjoys consistent support across much of the province’s population.
Albertans Continue to Abandon UCP in Fourth Wave of COVID-19
Premier Jason Kenney’s personal unpopularity continues to pull down his party’s fortunes, but the main driver of the UCP’s continued decline appears to be management of the COVID-19 pandemic as Alberta continues to experience a fourth wave of the virus.
Perceptions of Stress in Alberta and Saskatchewan: Part 1
Our March 2021 Viewpoint survey asked residents of both provinces about their thoughts and feelings during the previous month (i.e., February 2021). We used the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (1), a global measure of self-reported stress, to assess how people were feeling (2).
Perceptions of Stress in Alberta and Saskatchewan: Part 2
While the first brief in the Perceptions of Stress in Alberta and Saskatchewan set reported feelings of stress and compared stress across demographic groups, this brief analyzes potential factors that influenced the perception of stress.
On the Rebound? Perceptions of Discrimination in Alberta Society
This Research Brief draws upon three Viewpoint Alberta surveys (2019-21) to understand how Albertans perceive inequality in the province and how these attitudes have changed over time.
Trust in Political Leaders’ Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic
In March 2021 the 2021 Viewpoint survey asked Albertans and Saskatchewanians about their political attitudes and opinions one year into the COVID-19 pandemic. The queries in this brief were stimulated by news reports of various political actors’ international travel at a time when public health advice asked Canadians to not travel.
Ethnicity and Class: Booming in Alberta & Saskatchewan
Using data from the March 2021 Viewpoint Survey, this research brief provides an overview of class and racial/ethnic identity during a tumultuous time in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Viewpoint Saskatchewan: Vote Intentions and Partisan Identifications in 2021
This brief asks: how have voter intentions changed since the 2020 provincial election? Does partisan identification vary based on household income? How do different demographic groups vote? How are party leaders perceived? What are the major issues for Saskatchewan people?
Views of Political Leadership in Alberta
The COVID-19 crisis has raised the profile of government leaders across Canada. Has it raised their popularity? Our latest Viewpoint Survey (March 1-8, 2021) probed Albertans’ attitudes about the prime minister, premier, and various party leaders as the province entered the third wave.
Views of Political Leadership in Saskatchewan
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the popularity of federal and provincial party leaders? Our latest Viewpoint Survey (March 1-8, 2021), conducted at the beginning of the pandemic’s third wave, explores Saskatchewanians’ attitudes towards the prime minister, premier, and other party leaders.
Western Alienation in Alberta & Saskatchewan
Do residents of Alberta and Saskatchewan think differently when it comes to their province’s place in Confederation?
The Politics of COVID-19 in Alberta & Saskatchewan
Are Albertans viewing the pandemic differently than the residents of Saskatchewan? Based on parallel public opinion surveys in early-March 2021, this Research Brief examines the extent to which these prairie neighbours vary in their attitudes about COVID-19 and their governments’ responses to it.
Viewpoint Alberta: Major Shifts in Vote Intentions
For the first time since the party’s founding, UCP support has swung significantly or directly to the NDP. Given the polarized nature of Alberta politics and the historic gulf between the two parties, this UCP-to-NDP shift is both noteworthy and deserving of explanation.
Economic Situations and Perceptions during COVID-19 in Alberta and Saskatchewan
This research brief provides a snapshot of Albertans’ and Saskatchewanians' economic perceptions and situations in the spring of 2021. As Alberta and Saskatchewan muddle through a third wave of the pandemic, we offer an assessment of people's economic situations and perceptions across the two provinces.
Support for Political Parties & Leaders in Alberta
Crises like the COVID-19 pandemic often impact the dynamics of political party competition. Alberta is no exception. Viewpoint Alberta surveys in November 2019 (following the federal election) and August 2020 (six months into the pandemic) reveal the shape and extent of changes to the Alberta party system.
Economic Perspectives and Security during COVID-19
This research brief provides a snapshot of Albertans’ economic perceptions and situations in the summer of 2020. Results come from the 2020 Viewpoint Alberta Study, which was fielded in August 2020.
The Politics of Substance Use and Addiction in Alberta
This report breaks down results from an August 2020 Viewpoint Alberta Study surrounding Albertans’ perceptions of substance use (including drug and alcohol consumption) and policy options for addressing overdose, addiction, and other related harms.
Alberta’s Economic and Fiscal Future
The Viewpoint Alberta Survey, conducted amid the pandemic in August 2020, provides a valuable picture of what Albertans are thinking on the economic and fiscal future of the province.
The 2023 Alberta Provincial Election: A Post-Mortem
In a province used to electoral landslides, Alberta’s most recent election was an anomaly.
Political Polarization in Alberta
Albertans are not as divided as many people assume.
Economic Insecurity in Alberta over the Course of the Pandemic
Three-years into the pandemic and it’s clear that the pandemic has also had larger effects on many people’s finances and economic situations.
A COVID-19 Retrospective for Alberta
This brief seeks to understand what COVID-19 has meant for the finances and health of Albertans, three years into the global pandemic
The Politics of COVID-19 in Alberta
The following report breaks down the results from an August 2020 Viewpoint Alberta Study surrounding Albertans’ perceptions of the handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic in local, provincial, federal and global contexts.
Bridges Over Firewalls: Albertans’ Views on the Fair Deal
Our August 2020 Viewpoint Alberta survey posed questions on 15 of the Fair Deal Panel’s recommendations, measuring the level of support and importance Albertans place on the various reform proposals.
Western alienation Persists Amid Pandemic
This Research Brief compares results from two Viewpoint Alberta surveys – one in November 2019, and another in August 2020 – revealing the extent to which the international health crisis has affected Albertans’ attitudes towards the rest of Canada, and their perceived place within Confederation.
Shifting Opinions: Perceptions of Discrimination in Alberta Society
This Research Brief draws upon two Viewpoint Alberta surveys to understand how Albertans perceive inequality in the province and how these attitudes might have changed over time.
This research brief explores these issues by looking at feelings in Alberta. Do Albertans feel that people like them are falling behind in Alberta society?
The evidence from the Viewpoint Alberta Study (1) shows that most Albertans are not separatist, though demographic, partisan, and ideological identification may help explain who supports the Alberta separatist movement.
Alberta and the Rest of Canada
We conducted the Viewpoint Alberta survey around the time Premier Kenney announced the creation of the Fair Deal Panel. The results illustrate the sense of unease many Albertans felt about the relationship between their province, the federal government, and the rest of Canada.
Attitudes towards the carbon tax in Alberta
As part of the Viewpoints Alberta Survey (1), respondents were asked their opinions and attitudes on several different questions relating to a carbon tax and climate change.
Albertans’ Views on Immigration
The following presents results from the 2019 Viewpoint Alberta Study (1) regarding perspectives around immigrants and immigration in Alberta.
Economic Perspectives & Security in Alberta
This research brief provides a snapshot of Albertans’ economic perceptions in the fall of 2019. Results come from the 2019 Viewpoint Alberta Study.1
This research brief breaks down the support for three major federal parties in Alberta in the 2019 federal election to better understand the Conservative dominance of the province’s politics.
This research brief presents findings on Albertans’ attitudes on gender discrimination and political participation in Alberta from the 2019 Viewpoint Alberta Study (1).